Monday, March 24, 2008

My Vegas is Showing!

"It's been a long time since I left you with a dope beat to step to" (well, more like a dope blog posting for you to read, but you get the idea). I was listening to Aaliyah, but anyway...

I'm back and what a great time it was to be around such talented photographers from across the country. This is why I LOVE my profession/craft/job! Let's just say if you were in Las Vegas last week and happened to be getting married (I can't see why not. I mean, it is Vegas), you would have had your pick of photographers. Three days of trade shows, seminars and parties in Vegas was amazing. Next year it's going to start on Feb. 14th. Many photographers may not make it until the 15th because of Valentine's day obligations, but it will still be a "full house." Here is a look at a few photographers that inspire me to do what I do; they keep me focused.

They say three is a crowd, but to stand with these men is an exception. Mike colon and Jon Barber. Mike recently shot the R&B singer Usher's wedding last summer. He is also one of the top wedding photographers in the world.
The amazingly talented Shawn Reeder. Shawn just launched a royalty free music site for photographers. I don't know where he finds the time to get it all done, but it is awesome.
The newly wed Ross Oscar Knight and his beautiful wife from Atlanta along with Chris Torres of 6 Of Four Creations. Chris just shot The Knight's wedding.
My man Phillip Lloyd from Tampa. I hope (it is my plan) to have the opportunity to shoot a wedding with him this season.
Everybody knows Joe Photo. No intro needed on this dude. I'll always remind him that his roots are from Baltimore. Sorry Joe I had to put it out there (lol).
Jasmine Star One of the hottest wedding photographers around; she's got "Rock Star" status. I was introduced to her in LA back in October. If you get a chance check out her blog. Jasmine has only been shooting weddings for about 2 years;her work is amazing. I didn't get a chance to grab a photo with everyone, but I will mention them. Of course there's Ben Chrisman, WPJA Number#1 wedding photographer for 2008. I am proud that I can call him a friend. Denis Reggie, the father of wedding photojournalism. My good friend Travis Broxton ,he's featured in this months Rangefinder magazine. Arnold Johnson, my partner from Washington D.C. Why we don't have a photograph together? My road buddy Carla Teneyck. She's at every event. Last but certain not least my good friend Sara France. Checkout her new product the Gobee Bag. If you get the chance to check it out, let her know you heard it here first! Sara, I will be looking for a sponsor next year. Just wanted to put that out there.

I am glad to be back. I am ready for the season. Stay tuned...


Natarsha said...

Hi! Love the pics...I am glad that you were able to meet Ross :) Can I go next year when you go??? Look at me putting in my bid already, but seriously I would love to be there. It looks like a great networking opportunity!

Ben Chrisman said...

next time man we'll get that photo and a bunch more drinks.

Photographer RE said...

Yo Mike! What? No picture of us this year? I don't even get a mention? man that's rough ;-) Hope all is well! Kepp in touch... -RE

carla ten eyck said...

Michael!! I think my official title is 'dancing partner' , right?? Or booty shaker? ;)


'nuf said